Saturday, August 09, 2008

I miss Bangalore. Its weather,roads and even that miserable traffic. Yeah probably goes to show how much am pining to be back in there. To do what? Not really sure. I just want to be back in the confines of my house or actually, just the city (for now atleast). Went out of station for a change but now it feels too long and an overdose of anything is never good!

Lots of events have taken place so far. Some trivial while some very significant. Am i sounding vague now? This is the problem. Though I can claim to have a freedom of expression, I actually have to choose and edit what I say here else my conscience starts pricking or what i write gets misinterpreted (provided someone reads it..hmm..). And so, it feels like freedom comes with such a huge baggage of responsibility and making the right decisions. My case was just a tiny-winy example, there are several other more important ones. Lots of questions come in mind - do i mention names? do i cite events word-to-word? do i make my opinions crystal clear, for eg, opinions regarding the screwed up..oops..the instable political scenario in the state and country too etcetra. That's why many a times when i look forward to venting my pent up emotions through this medium, i restrain and pull back for i admit i do not know what to write and what not to write here! So, the best way out is to not dwelve into personal issues often.

On a second thought, it's these personal issues that act as a trigger for getting my brain juices flowing. For one, i've been wondering about this for a while now - does authority give people the right to impose their thoughts and ideas over others? For eg, does one necessarily need to respect one's elders each and every time, even on occassions when their idealogies clash and there's only one way out. Hasn't someone said that respect must be earned and not demanded? Then why's it we are brought up being told to respect so-and-so. Why aren't we allowed to grow up and when we've started having our own beliefs, we make our own decisions and choose to respect those whom we truly wish to and not for the sake of it. I mean, just how many times have you found yourself using the word 'respect' without feeling an inch of it? I have. And had I had my way, I'd rather not respect someone than pretend to cuz I feel the latter's more harsh. Something i'm definitely going to continue wondering about...

Before i sign off, something for all in general:
If you've got the time, visit Salarjung Museum at Hyderabad. It basically comprises of all the collections of the Salarjungs(who used to be sultans). It's nice to see, for a change, collections of porcelain and different varieties of clocks rather than, say, that of coin/stamp :) The rulers of those generations were far more well-travelled than us or so i presume since they've got collections from nearly all parts of the world. It's an absolute treat to the eyes. Visually appealing and leaves you in awe of the admirably talented sculpturors, carpenters, goldsmith etc who designed such beautiful pieces of art. Loooovely :)

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-Arpita- Spoke @ 4:47 AM |

Monday, June 23, 2008

Yeah i know it's been a long time since i posted. Felt like i didnt have enough content to blog about or the interest. I'm continuing it now and hope i do so more regularly from now on.
It's holiday time right now and i haven't yet joined any classes and am basically rotting away at home!! At the same time, now that my mind's no more in that pressure-cooker-situation, I have more time to ponder over many things concerning myself and others in general.
Looking back at how these past 2 years literally flew past me. Many regrets. Some discoveries. Lots of introspection. Lots more of procrastination. Failing expectations. Feeling crestfallen-disappointed-confused-lost-helpless-deeply wounded. Wiping those tears. Looking ahead. Supportive friends. Some mockery. Some encouragement. Moving on. Thinking about the future. Having hopes. Eradicating those hopes in the fear of disappointments. Trying to be positive-determined-well balanced. And.. here i am.

I have no idea why but I feel that i'm meant to stand out in a crowd. Am not meant to be one of those pale personalities which come and go in a blink of an eye. I'm obviously not trying to boast(there's nothing to boast about anyway!). Am just trying to find the purpose with which God sent me here on this planet. I am aware of the fact that when am lost, God does leave me clues to find the path on which I am supposed to tread along. At those instants, I might have been looking for direct answers and hence could have missed the clues but now as I look back, I realise that I lacked patience to find that path and make my own decisions.

I just feel that God wants me to stand out from the crowd and be a role model for others. Someone who genuinely cares, respects and wishes good for others while being strong and capable herself. Someone who's qualified to help others. And to get there, I do realise that I've got a lot of commitments to fulfill and would have to raise myself to greater heights and push myself to the limits. This is where I'm going to head towards now, trying to get in touch with myself as well as the purpose am supposed to fulfill.

Till next post, cya :)


-Arpita- Spoke @ 10:24 AM |

Saturday, January 12, 2008

We've barely welcomed 2008 with open arms and there already seems to be so many problems to be resolved world-wide. Whenever I read about the happenings in Pakistan, it sets in a melancholic tone. I don't know what to say. That country's going through so much. I have no choice but to be diplomatic here as this is open to the public but personally, I feel the country's wearing out faster than the tyres on the roads. Is anyone going to wake up and take action?

India and Pakistan. If they come together for a cause, they can wow the world with their impact. They have so much to offer. They are both rich culturally; they can bank upon their agriculture to make advancements in fields like organic farming; they have several picturesque places that can be developed into tourist attractions. They can depend on each other in order to achieve mutualism. India - its booming IT industry and its nuclear technology. Pakistan - its fertile lands and textile industry. I do not understand some things. If these ideas can occur to a common man(or woman in this case) like me, then shouldn't the more able respective authorities be better equipped to make and execute plans that are fruitful for both the parties involved?

This brings me to the Bali incident. I shall copy-paste the email I received from the organisation Avaaz. People please have a look at this. You might as well just read this bit. I should have pasted this before so that you could have skipped my writing if you wanted to. Anyway, here's it :

"Arriving in Bali, most countries wanted to work towards a new global treaty on climate change as well as new targets for carbon emissions by rich countries. But late last week, the US and Canada teamed up to undermine the talks -- the US blocked the whole Bali summit consensus, and when a smaller group of Kyoto treaty countries tried to move ahead without the US, they were blocked by Canada. The summit was in danger of deadlock. The Avaaz community flew into action, signing and spreading petitions to each of the governments, supporting ad campaigns in Bali and Canada, marches around the world, and phoning and lobbying elected officials.
At the summit, Avaaz members brought the storm of public criticism inside the conference walls with the only march allowed inside the venue, the largest climate petition delivery in history, daily press conferences and "fossil awards" for the worst countries in the negotiations, and constant lobbying of officials. In the final hours of the summit, Canada backed down completely and allowed Kyoto countries to agree to strong 2020 targets on carbon emissions, and the US team, now entirely isolated and actually booed by the world's diplomats, compromised and agreed to call for "deep cuts" and "reference" the 2020 targets. This paved the way for the summit to agree to sign a new global climate change treaty by 2009.
Usually these conferences are stuffy diplomatic affairs - but this time the world was watching, and speaking, each day. Together, we brought people-powered politics to the halls of power, and put our governments on notice: in the fight to save our environment, we will not be spectators."

" This is just the beginning. Every nation of the world has now agreed that they will enter into accelerated negotiations and, by 2009, sign a new treaty to confront global warming. We need this treaty to set binding global targets for carbon emissions, and a mechanism for meeting them, that keep the earth's temperature from rising more than 2 degrees celsius - the amount that scientists say would be 'catastrophic'. Such a treaty will change the world's economy forever, weaning us off oil and fossil fuels to cleaner sources of energy. Some leaders, in the pocket of the oil industry, will fight it tooth and nail all the way. And we will too. A great struggle to save our environment has begun, and this weekend, showed together that the people of the world aren't intending to sit this one out."



-Arpita- Spoke @ 4:19 PM |

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sheesh i just realised (maybe for the zillionth time for the record..) that am such a RANDOM person. Like totally. And my absent-mindedness is getting on my nerves now. I got sooo freaking worried when i thought i lost that coupon at Amoeba in exchange for my shoes when it was in my back-pocket. Apparently Das had asked me to keep it there and i had agreed. Gee. :/

Have you heard of shoe size 2? i mean TWO??? Thats the size I had to settle down with at Amoeba can u believe it?? I mean now this is highly insulting. Alright i do have amazingly tiny feet that counterparts of my ancestors in China would have absolutely loved and worshipped back then but yuck, i hate my small feet! But where's the transition from my usual size 4 to 2?? TWO!!! And thats not it cuz it was sorta loose too but I had gone enough number of times to that guy there in the counter and he gave this really amused look when he realised size 3 was too loose for me.
Maybe thats why I was mentally disturbed and got the least score in there.

You know i have this uncanny knack of getting myself in the most amazingly embarrassing situations all round the season. What have i not done? I have fallen down quite badly from an escalator(okok i was trying to sprint up but Hey! my train would have otherwise left in 5 more seconds!!), I have pondered over how it feels to fall flat from the bus while alighting..u know with legs and hands outstretched..and I ended up doing the exact thing while alighting at my stop... and many more of such incidences. I guess i have this carefree attitude that gets me in hot soup most of the times! Gee :/


-Arpita- Spoke @ 2:01 AM |

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

okok a reply first and foremost.
Brian. Of course i remember you and i remember crapping together during those debate team meetings...haha..... good times cannot be forgotten u know.... haha ....right now i really feel like having a one-on-one debate again and u should go dumbstruck the way u did the first time. hahahaha that was damn funny. Anyhow good luck for your A's. Ace them.

Life's the same at my end, like u said, "monotonous and mundane"
and I got to go now and shall update later
I know i sort of ceased existing in the blogosphere but trust me..its just a phase soooo
Ta ta
and oh. people if u leave a comment here, please leave behind your blog add(if you have one) or something else so that i can contact ya back.


-Arpita- Spoke @ 9:18 PM |

Saturday, June 16, 2007

I'm short-tempered. Agreed. As much as I'd like to remain cool and composed, my restlessness and the need to retaliate once something goes against what i believe in is immense. Nonetheless i think nobody can stand someone who thinks the world of himself. I hate this condescending behaviour. Oh please, you don't own the world. Why can't you just shut up if you've got nothing positive to say? Be critical by all means but heard of something called "constructive criticism"? I bet you haven't or else you wouldn't be acting so stuck-up like the way you are. Ouch. No offense to anybody in particular here. All you arrogant brats can share my wrath.

Its hard for me to remain objective and non-judgemental at times, atleast not after I've seen something crappy like this happening over and over again. I mean.. whats wrong with you? Why can't you act normal? See thats why i think i make a bad leader. Its difficult for me to talk through these things calmly. I lose my patience "just laddat". Sigh. But you know what, I think most of us end up putting up with such behaviour cuz we think our reaction is just going to make it worse. But... c'mon. Somebody somewhere has got to speak up against it. Fine if nobody is going to do, I guess i'll take this up.

Anyways I do think that sometimes I get angry more often than i should. Well well if i've offended any of you, Yes you my dear friends, you know i don't mean it. I might spit fire but it ends at that. I'll probably be trying hard after that to make up for it. Ouch. I should think loads before i act but chey... blabbermouth! Can't help it you see. But the above two paragraphs still hold good! Will always hold good! Hmmmph!


-Arpita- Spoke @ 8:05 PM |

Thursday, June 07, 2007

I was just thinking...
... in a year's time I'll have to make up my mind on what professional course i'll have to settle down with. It's like for the first time am getting to make a choice thats entirely mine. Okay maybe not entirely. I'll probably get subconsciously influenced by my friends, parents mmm teachers also maybe? Who knows. And the toughest part is to listen to all of that, keep it aside and then listen to my heart, what I truly want to do with my life. None of us likes to be pushed around am sure but its not a cakewalk either when it comes to making such a pivotal decision, one which will probably provide the framework for your career. Grrr. Am confused. uhuh what the hell... I don't even have anything concrete in mind.

mmm can you imagine me as a....lets say.... lawyer? HA HA no ways. Leave alone participating in the moot courts, I start shivering while standing on the stage before everyone. Geez.

Oh and that reminds me.... my high school classmate in Singapore suggested that I become a politician. HA and do what? "Vote for Arpita" ??? followed by empty promises? hollow words? hyperactivity during pre-election times? Please yah! I like keeping to my word and expect that from others as well. [PS maybe i was generalising but whatever.]

On a more serious note, I think i can picturise myself as a young and dynamic businesswoman :)
Hehe hopefully lethargy doesn't have a go at me! I have changed my "dream profession" as often as Paris Hilton has changed boyfriends or perhaps Lindsay Lohan has been caught on the wrong side of the law but mmm guess am determined to stick onto one of my choices.

Ciao then! and oh,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AARSHA!!! (see you get special mention in here. Thanks for those "hey keep blogging" words of encouragement!!) *grins from ear to ear*

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-Arpita- Spoke @ 9:18 PM |

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